Dr. Alejandro Rodríguez Morata

Angiology and Vascular Surgery

Welcome to Our Website!

Dear patient:

This website has a clear motivation: to be at the disposal of people who need the services of an Angiology and Vascular Surgery Specialist.

Since I started in the exciting world of medicine, I have pursued an unceasing attention to the constant evolution of science and medical technology in the field of this fascinating specialty to provide my patients with the best possible medical healthcare assistance in every moment.

To this effect, www.rodriguezmorata.es, constitutes a step forward to facilitate communication with my patients (current and future ones) and inform them about the techniques and treatments that we make available for you to attempt to resolve your pathology and contribute to the improvement of your quality of life.

I trust the website will be successful in this commitment and through it I remain at your entire disposal.

Best regards.

Alejandro Rodríguez Morata

Doctor of Medicine – Angiology and Vascular Surgery Specialist.