“Venous Pathology Endovascular Treatment Advances” III Workshop

Friday, May 12th. 2017

Organised by the Angiology and Vascular Surgery Department of the Quirónsalud Málaga Hospital

Dr. Alejandro Rodríguez Morata
Dr. Juan Pedro Reyes Ortega
Dr. Gonzalo Alongo Argüeso
Dra. Gloria Novo Martínez
Dra. Marisa Robles Marín

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Vascular Surgery Update Course about Aortic Aneurysms

Dr. Rodríguez Morata participates actively in the Vascular Surgery Update Course about Aortic Aneurysms, celebrated in the Vall d’Hebron Hospital. February, 17th 2017.




Private Healthcare II Forum in the Official College of Doctors of Málaga

The Private Healthcare II Forum in the Official College of Doctors of Málaga was celebrated with success. February, 14th 2017. Drs. Juan José Sanchez Luque, Urda Valcárcel, Ruíz Cruces, Sanz Cartagena, Navarro Merino, Ramírez Plaza and Rodríguez Morata participated.



Dr. Rodríguez Morata exposes two works in the LINC-Leipzig International Congress

Dr. Rodríguez Morata exposes two works in the LINC-Leipzig International Congress about venous stenting in complex cases, January 2017.


“Venous Pathology Endovascular Treatment Advances” II Workshop

The Abdominal-Pelvic Venous Pathology II Workshop in our Angiology and Vascular Surgery Department of the Quirónsalud Málaga Hospital was celebrated with success. We have treated 2 Nutcracker Syndromes, thanking the presence of so honorable colleges as Drs. Antonio Orgaz and Dr. Ángel Florez (Toledo), Dra. Caridad Morata (Guadalajara) and Dr. Felipe Arribas Neri (Cádiz).


“Venous Pathology Endovascular Treatment Advances” I Workshop- Nutcraker and May-Thurner Syndromes

  • Quirónsalud Málaga Hospital Auditorium
  • November, 18th 2016
  • Organised by the Angiology and Vascular Surgery Department

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Endovascular Surgery pioneer in Spain in treating a Rare Disease

  • Endovascular surgery pioneer in Spain in treating a rare disease.

Best Poster Award in the V International Symposium of the Endovascular Surgery Chapter

Dr. Rodríguez Morata and collaborators receive Award to best Poster in the V International Symposium of the Endovascular Surgery Chapter celebrated in Madrid during November 4th and 5th 2016.

Dr. Rodríguez Morata initiates his Head of Department service in the Quironsalud Málaga Hospital

  • Dr. Rodríguez Morata initiates his Head of Department service in the Quironsalud Málaga Hospital with a pioneer case in Spain.
  1. noticias.lainformacion.com/salud/especializaciones-medicas/servicio-angiologia-Quironsalud-Malaga-Espana_0_935007807.html
  2. www.laopiniondemalaga.es/malaga/2016/07/15/quiron-malaga-estrena-servicio-cirugia/863749.html#
  3. www.quironsalud.es/malaga/es/sala-prensa/noticias/nuevo-servicio-angiologia-cirugia-vascular-quironsalud-mala

Angiology and Vascular S. XXX Congress Round Table

  • The Angiology and Vascular S. XXX Congress Round Table was celebrated with success and high scientific level, conducted by Dr. Rodríguez Morata and with the speakers Dr. A. Campos Muñoz (Histology), Dra. I. Herrera (Haematology), Dr. R. Piñero and Dr. P. Lozano Vilardel (Angiology and Vascular Surgery).